Les annuaires→Counselors | psychologists | psychotherapists→Brabant wallon→1410 Waterloo→Monsieur Cyril Perrier
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Monsieur Cyril Perrier propose des téléconsulations Afficher les infos de téléconsultation
Solutions Oriented Humanist Therapy / 20 years of experience
Since 1998, those who want to improve their well-being through a benevolent and supportive therapeutic process are welcome.
You will learn that for every problem there is a solution.
During the sessions, I mainly use Humanistic and Analytical tools.
Each person is different and I will offer you a course adapted to your personality and your situation.
My experience allows me to quickly identify the methods and attitudes necessary to quickly obtain improvements.
In order to ask all your practical questions, I offer you an information interview - free of charge and without obligation - by appointment in Waterloo (+/- 20 min.)
For more information: http://www.psy.info or 0495/546332
Aucune info communiquée
Monsieur Cyril Perrier dispose des titres professionnels suivants:
Monsieur Cyril Perrier, counselor | psychologist | psychotherapist à 1410 Waterloo
Remonter vers la commune: 1410 Waterloo et alentours
Remonter vers la province: Brabant wallon
Monsieur Cyril Perrier
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