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Les annuairesCounselors | psychologists | psychotherapistsBruxelles-Capitale1170 Watermael-BoitsfortMadame Marine Hennart

Madame Marine Hennart counselor | psychologist | psychotherapist à 1170 Watermael-Boitsfort

Arrêt Helligenborre | 1170 Watermael-Boitsfort

Cabinet de consultation privé

Un téléphone+32477874928

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Clinical psychologist for children, teenagers and adults


For children, teenagers, adults and families. For anyone seeking attentive listening, personal support, parenting support, relaxation tools, breathing exercises, emotions and stress management...

In a benevolent environment where respect and trust are the watchwords, each meeting is unique and is the subject of a co-construction. Therapeutic work is built together using different tools. These will be chosen according to your demand and your needs.

If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment, you can contact me by phone at 0477 87 49 28.

- Master in Clinical Psychology and Psychopathology (ULB)
- Nutritherapy classes (CERDEN)
- EMDR training (Integrativa, part I and II)
- EMDR for children and teenagers (Integrativa, part I and II)
- EMDR training for transgenerational traumas (Integrativa)
- Training in Sand Game Therapy (International Society For Sandplay Therapy)
- Hypnotherapy certification (ULB)
- Member of the Belgian Commission of Psychologists


- Online sessions are possible. The only condition : find a place where you feel good, calm and in privacy.

- free parking spot available

Being a member of the Belgian Commission of Psychologists, a partial reimbursement of several sessions per year is possible by the majority of health insurance providers.

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1 adresse sur 1170 Watermael-Boitsfort référencée dans:
| Annuaire des psychologues |

English speaking psychologists and psychotherapists directory (Belgium)

Madame Marine Hennart, counselor | psychologist | psychotherapist à 1170 Watermael-Boitsfort

Remonter vers la commune: 1170 Watermael-Boitsfort et alentours
Remonter vers la province: Bruxelles-Capitale

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